Inside Mac Games Volume 5 #3
IMG 46 Vol 5-3.iso
More Goodies
More For Your Game
Dark Forces
Levels ƒ
Dark Prelude
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Text File
82 lines
<<<<<<<<<<<<< DARK FORCES ADD-ON MISSION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<< DARK PRELUDE >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> VERSION 1 <<<<<<<
This zipfile consists of 6 files -
RPG-DF10.TXT (this file)
DPRELUDE.GOB (main data file)
DPRELUDE.BAT (batch file to start the new mission)
BRIEFING.TXT (mission briefing text)
BRIEFING.EXE (start up screen file)
EURO.CHR (A Borland Script Font used by BRIEFING.EXE)
Basic Information:
I'm borrowing Don Sielke's GOB naming convention, which is as follows:
RPG (my initials )
DF (Dark Forces)
1 (Number of Levels)
0 (version #.0, ie. patchs will then progress as .1, .2, etc)
I'll make more levels and add them as they are completed.
The way to know If a new level has been added to my latest gob is by the
convention described above.
UnZip < RPG-DF10.ZIP > and copy the files to your Dark Forces
directory < i.e. C:\DARK >. Then switch to that directory and type
< DPRELUDE >. The Briefings.exe file will provide you with the
mission briefings; ignore the briefings in Dark Forces itself.
* Play Information *
Level(s) replaced : Secbase
Difficulty Settings : Yes, but most of the development went into
: the Hard Difficulty setting.
New BMs : No
New FMEs : No
New WAXs : No
New 3DOs : Yes
New VOCs : No
New GMDs : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : DFUSE
Known Bugs : None (hopefully)
The Developer:
Randy Greene
Special Thanks to:
George Lucas
LucasArts for a great game.
Yves Borckmans (yborckmans@abcomp.be)
Gary Belisle (Keemosabi@AOL.COM)
For the Landspeeder 3DO.
If you have any questions, concerns or comments please E-mail me at
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
These files are to be distributed for FREE only!
You MAY distribute this GOB, in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD,
etc.), provided you include all of the files named above, with no
modifications, and at no charge.